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Management & Risk Insurance Brokers
(M&R Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd)
175 Centre Road, Bentleigh Victoria 3204 Australia

Phone +61 (03) 9557 7400
Fax +61 (03) 9557 7355

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Protect Your Expertise: Understanding Professional Indemnity Insurance

Imagine you’re a professional – an architect, accountant, or consultant. You dedicate your career to providing excellent service, but even the most skilled individuals can make unintentional mistakes or omissions. This is where Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance comes in. It acts as a safety net for both you and your clients, offering financial protection from unforeseen circumstances.

What is PI Insurance?

PI insurance safeguards professionals from the financial consequences of negligence, errors, or omissions in their work. If a client suffers financial loss due to your mistake, PI insurance can help cover various expenses, including:

  • Legal fees: If a client sues you for negligence, PI insurance can assist with covering your legal defense costs.
  • Investigative costs: Sometimes, investigations are necessary to determine the cause of a client’s loss. PI insurance can cover these expenses.
  • Financial compensation: If a court finds you liable, PI insurance can help you compensate your client for their financial losses.

A wide range of professionals benefit from PI insurance, including:

  • Architects and Engineers
  • Accountants and Lawyers
  • Consultants and Surveyors
  • Financial advisors and IT professionals

It’s important to understand that PI policies typically exclude:

  • Deliberate wrongdoing: Intentional acts of misconduct are not covered.
  • Dishonesty: PI insurance won’t protect you if you’re caught lying or being fraudulent.
  • Bodily injury or property damage: These are typically covered by separate insurance policies.

Beyond Basic Coverage

While PI insurance protects against negligence, errors, and omissions, it often extends to cover additional situations:

  • Breach of contract: If you unintentionally fail to meet the terms of your agreement with a client, PI insurance may help.
  • Misrepresentation: If you provide inaccurate information to a client, unintentionally leading them astray, PI insurance can offer some protection.
  • Defamation: In some cases, PI insurance can help cover legal costs if you’re accused of damaging someone’s reputation through your work.

Invest in Peace of Mind

With PI insurance, you can focus on providing excellent service to your clients without the constant worry of financial repercussions from unintentional mistakes. By understanding what PI insurance covers and who it benefits, you can make an informed decision about protecting your livelihood and your client relationships.
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